Bulgarian: A Complete Course for Beginners
C7 - $14. 2 copies left
- A clear and comprehensive approach
- 24 thematic chapters, life-like dialogues
- Exercises with the texts
- Cultural information
- Accents on all Bulgarian words
- Minor cover wear, pristine pages
Bk51-35 Beginner’s Bulgarian $10.
2 copies
Mariana Raykov of Eurolingua, Hippocrene 1995
softcover textbook 207pp
- intro, lessons, vocabulary & more
- minor shelfwear, inside unused
BG20 R-1 $10.
Bulgarian-English Dictionary
Stankova & Harlakova
10K English / 10K Bulgarian entries
8" x 5" Softcover, 288pp
Sofia 2000; 2nd Ed (out of print)
- Old stock, brand new copy
- Typical newsprint paper
1 copy left
CD $11. Картинен Речники произношения
/ Picture Dictionary with pronunciations
This CD accompanies the 1000 Words book.
photo shows the CD on the open book
BG27-bk48 $15.
Пърите 1000 думи ха английски
First 1000 Words of English
Softcover 9" x 12¼"
Sofia 2006
- Amusing picture scenes
- English vocabulary
- Index of words
- Helps children and adult learners
CD ROM #51- 30 $19.95
"Most-convenient computer dictionary"
English – Bulgarian – English
Polyglot 7 series 2001
- Explanations in Bulgarian
- 450,000 words
BG22 $5
Picture Dictionary in English – Bulgarian
Softcover 8.5” x 12”
8 pages
- 2 titles, My School and My House
- Good for students young and old
- Useful everyday words
- Appealing supplement to regular texts